A professional non-surgical treatment to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles for a younger rejuvenated appearance; a safe, simple solution with no long-term side effects. A very fine needle is used for the injection(s) and generally the treatment is not painful, the entire process is completed in approximately 30 minutes.
The toxin works by blocking the transition of chemical messages sent from the nerve to the muscle which would ordinarily cause the muscle to contract. While these messages are suppressed, the muscle remains relaxed and the facial expression lines appear reduced. The toxin used is a prescription only medication, therefore a thorough consultation is required prior to treatment to ensure patient safety.The temporary side effects of the procedure should only last a few days; these may include a headache, bruising and redness/tenderness.
The effects of your anti-wrinkle treatment will begin within 3-5 days with full effects by 2 weeks typically lasting around 12 weeks or more.
Treatment Time - 30mins / Downtime - None